ESP32 read PT1000/PT100 temperature sensor values

In this article, it will introduce how to read the temperature values from PT1000 with ESP32.

The principle of PT1000 measure temperature

PT1000 sensors are temperature sensors that use the principle of resistance to measure temperature. These sensors have a resistor with a resistance that changes with temperature. The resistance of the PT1000 sensor increases as the temperature increases, and decreases as the temperature decreases.

About the name

The name of the PT1000 temperature sensor, as below:

  • Pt stands for Platinum, which is the material used in the sensor.
  • 1000 represents the resistance at 0°C.

Thus, PT1000 indicates a platinum-based sensor with a resistance of 1000 ohms at 0°C.

Similarly, PT100 and PT500 sensors have resistances of 100 and 500 ohms at 0°C, respectively.

Resistance values at different temperature

IEC 60751 provides the coefficients for the Callendar-Van Dusen equation, which is used to calculate the resistance of platinum RTDs over a specified temperature range.

Callendar-Van Dusen Equation

For temperatures between -200°C and 0°C:

$$ R_t = R_0 (1 + A \cdot t + B \cdot t^2 + C \cdot (t - 100) \cdot t^3) $$

For temperatures between 0°C and 850°C:

$$ R_t = R_0 (1 + A \cdot t + B \cdot t^2) $$


  • $R_t$ is the resistance at temperature $t$ (in °C).
  • $R_0$ is the resistance at 0°C (e.g., 1000 ohms for PT1000).
  • $A$, $B$, and $C$ are constants. $C$ is only used for temperatures below 0°C.

Coefficients for Platinum RTDs (according to IEC 60751):

  • $A = 3.9083 \times 10^{-3} \, \Omega/(\Omega \cdot °C)$
  • $B = -5.775 \times 10^{-7} \, \Omega/(\Omega \cdot °C^2)$
  • $C = -4.183 \times 10^{-12} \, \Omega/(\Omega \cdot °C^4)$

Plot the temperature resistance relationship shows as below:


!!! note annotate

So if we can measure the resistance of the PT1000 sensor, the we can calculate the temperature using the equation.

But the main problem is how to =="**precisely**"== measure the resistance of the PT1000 sensor.

We will introduce different methods to measure the resistance of the PT1000 sensor. It will increase the accuracy step by step. By this series of methods, you can choose the most suitable one for your application. And these types of methods are also applicable to other types of analog sensors measurement.

  • Measure resistance with ESP32 ADC.
  • Increase accuracy with a voltage divider.
  • Increase accuracy with 3 wire connection.
  • Increase accuracy with 4 wire connection.
  • Increase accuracy with a Wheatstone bridge.
  • Increase accuracy with an ADC with a higher resolution.

Measure resistance with ESP32 ADC

Let's start from the most simple method, measure the resistance of the PT1000 sensor with ESP32 ADC.

The ADC (analog-to-digital converter) on the ESP32 can be used to measure the voltage on an analog input pin. The ADC can be configured to measure the voltage on the PT1000 sensor, and the resulting voltage can be used to calculate the resistance of the sensor.

Hardware connection

To read PT1000 analog values and convert them to temperature with an ESP32, you can follow these steps:

Connect the PT1000 sensor two terminals to the ESP32:

  • one end to an analog input pin (e.g. A0).
  • the other end to the GND.

Use the analogRead() function to read the analog value from the PT1000 sensor. This function returns a value between 0 and 4095, corresponding to the voltage on the analog input pin.

Use a lookup table or a mathematical formula to convert the analog value to temperature. PT1000 sensors have a resistance that changes with temperature, and the analog value is directly proportional to this resistance. Therefore, you can use a lookup table or a mathematical formula to convert the analog value to temperature based on the resistance-temperature relationship of the PT1000 sensor.

Display the temperature on the ESP32's display or send it over a network connection (e.g. Wi-Fi or Bluetooth) for remote monitoring or control.

It's also worth noting that PT1000 sensors are not as accurate as some other temperature sensors (e.g. thermocouples or RTDs), so you may want to consider using a different type of sensor if high accuracy is critical for your application.

The sample code:

#define PT1000_ANALOG_PIN A0   // Analog input pin for PT1000 sensor
#define PT1000_R_REF 1000.0     // Reference resistance for PT1000 sensor at 0°C (in ohms)

// Lookup table for resistance-to-temperature conversion
float temperatureTable[] = {-40.0, -20.0, 0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 60.0, 80.0, 100.0, 120}; // Corresponding temperature values
float resistanceTable[] = {842.7, 921.6, 1000, 1077.9, 1155.4, 1232.4, 1309, 1385.1, 1460.7}; // Add more values as needed

// Linear interpolation function
float interpolate(float x, float xTable[], float yTable[], int size) {
  for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
    if (x <= xTable[i]) {
      // Linear interpolation
      float x0 = xTable[i - 1];
      float x1 = xTable[i];
      float y0 = yTable[i - 1];
      float y1 = yTable[i];
      return y0 + (y1 - y0) * (x - x0) / (x1 - x0);
  // Extrapolation if x is outside the range of the table
  return yTable[size - 1];

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200);  // Initialize serial communication

void loop() {
  // Read analog value from PT1000 sensor
  int analogValue = analogRead(PT1000_ANALOG_PIN);

  // Convert analog value to resistance
  float resistance = (float)PT1000_R_REF * ((float)analogValue / 4095.0);

  // Convert resistance to temperature using linear interpolation
  float temperature = interpolate(resistance, resistanceTable, temperatureTable, sizeof(resistanceTable) / sizeof(resistanceTable[0]));

  // Print temperature to serial monitor
  Serial.print("Temperature: ");

  // Wait for 1 second before taking another reading