SFP56 Testing Board Design Note
I will record the note of design a SFP56 Testing board.
ESP32 Dual-Core Usage
The ESP32's dual-core architecture enhances performance and multitasking capabilities. In this blog post, we will explore how to configure the ESP32's dual-core setup using the Arduino platform.
Bounce2 Library for Arduino Debouncing Made Easy
The Bounce2 library is a easy use tool for Arduino platforms, it will help us to solve the problem of erroneous states caused by the tiny vibrations of mechanical key switches when they are closed or opened.
ESP32 with LVGL Setp1 Config TFT_eSPI with PlatformIO
This article walks through the configuration process of the TFT_eSPI library for a 2.4 inch TFT display powered by the ESP32, detailing setup steps in both a custom header file and the PlatformIO configuration file.
ESP32 Touch Button
This article discusses creating a touch-sensitive button using the ESP32's internal capacitive touch sensors. It details the GPIO pins associated with the sensors and explains how to read touch inputs using Arduino syntax.