What is ESPUIESPUI is a simple web user interface library designed for ESP32 and ESP8266 devices. It enables users to easily create and manage the web interface of their devices without any HTML, CSS,...
smart alarm clock with ESP32

IntroductionThis open-source project demonstrates how to build a multifunctional smart alarm clock using ESP8266 or ESP32 microcontrollers, featuring a network interface, sunrise wake-up light, and te...
A LED Matrix Message Board with ESP32

A LED Matrix Message Board with ESP32This project is an LED matrix message board based on the ESP32 microcontroller. It is capable of connecting to the network and displaying real-time news, weather, ...

BuzzTech: Machine Learning at the Edge: Deploying YOLOv8 on Raspberry Pi Zero 2W for Real-Time Bee Counting at the Hive EntranceIntroductionAt the Federal University of Itajuba in Brazil, with the mas...
Crafting a Best-Selling Solar E-Ink Weather Station

IntroductionWith the increasing severity of climate change, people are paying more attention to the weather. As a result, more individuals are starting to install weather displays at home to stay info...
How to Use ESP32 and WS2812B to Create Stunning LED Displays

How to Use ESP32 and WS2812B to Create Stunning LED DisplaysHey there! You know how when you're learning to work with hardware, the first thing you usually do is make an LED blink? It's a fun and simp...