
ESP32 with LVGL Setp1 Config TFT_eSPI with PlatformIO
This article walks through the configuration process of the TFT_eSPI library for a 2.4 inch TFT display powered by the ESP32, detailing setup steps in both a custom header file and the PlatformIO configuration file.

How to Blink a LED with ESP32
This article explains how to blink an LED using the ESP32 development board. It includes a component list, circuit diagram, and Arduino code for blinking the LED and creating an LED chaser project for beginners.

ESP32 and human body infrared module
Usage of ESP32 to control the human body infrared module, covering its components, control principle, applications, circuit connection, and code.

Markdown format support testing
This post to show the support of Markdown format in the ESP32cube website.

ESP32 WROOM Pin Name High Resolution
This post provides the pin name of ESP32 WROOM module and ESP32 DevKitC development board in high resolution and also provides the pdf file for download.